As random does

Feb. 25, Arlie Park.

Hi, hello, howdy. The recent chessthusiam was… brief. Although if somebody wants to play me over-the-board at Cowfish, I’m down! Radio broadcasting is up, and so is my listening to other Mixcloud streams. Photography steps along, possibly my most consistent activity. I need to have a camera in my hand when we hike. It’s mostly photos of trees, but trees are cool, and occasionally I snap a great photo of some kind of wildlife; I’m getting better at birds in flight. Still considering whether a new 100-300mm lens would be good to get.

I have too many paintings, my paintings, sitting around. Time to move ‘em! I want to sell them cheap. Thinking about ways that could happen without too much work. I do know that I don’t want to ship them, so the buyers need to be local.

During last Swarm, I re-committed to mixing lelu’s and my band recordings, and I do indeed want to do that. But the enthusiasm needs to rekindle a bit brighter in me. I’m pretty bad at doing things for any other reason than that I’m fired up about them. Radio is the fire right now, and I’m listening to lots of music, auditioning tracks for my radio shows. That’s where my ears are right now.

As the weather changes and the time changes (to daylight saving on March 10), I think my brain will reshuffle, as will my passions. But as always, random is as random does. Thanks for reading.

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